Booking & Availability
Booking your stay at Penbroath Retreats is as simple as 1,2,3.

We offer returning visitors a loyalty discount, however discounts are not displayed in the grid below – but please be assured, any applicable discounts will be applied in your confirmation email.
If you have any questions at all, please email or if you would prefer to book over the phone, call us on 01209 833792.

1 - Check availability
At a glance – browse the available dates on the grid below by scolling across the calender or for a more detailed view – click the name of your preferred property.
Click on your chosen dates for prices and to begin the booking process.
If you do not see the amount of nights that you require, contact us to check availbility and price. (minimum stays are for 3 nights).

2 - Booking request
Once we have received your booking request we will be in touch to confirm the availability and the stay with you. Please note that bookings are not confirmed until you have heard back from us. Bookings will then become provisional until we recieve your deposit or full payment (if your holiday dates are less than 6 weeks away) and send you a booking confirmation email. Deposits are due within 24 hours of us confirming your booking.

3 - Enjoy your stay!
After you have paid your deposit or full amount its time to get yourself ready for your holiday! Plan some activities or choose which bathers you want to wear for relaxing in the pool or spa hot tub!